Megan Fox who was recently voted the World’s Sexiest Woman by readers of FHM tells Britain’s FHM magazine during an interview that she loves having sex.
I have the libido of a teenage boy. I’d rather have sex all the time than leave the house.
This is by far the greatest news after seeing . I’m still washing my eyes after being subjected to those pictures. Now must express vpn figure out a plan to break up her and Brian Austin Green, that Beverly Hill 90210 dude. Maybe the old dead body in the trunk will work again.

Britney Spears may not like to wear underwear during her crazy phase, but Playboy Playmate Kendra Wilkinson love the undergarment so much she uses a pair of Lakers thong as a hat. No reason why she’s wearing the thong on her head except she’s 老虎证券好吗 drunk and trying to start a new Lakers ritual. So the next time your at a Lakers game and want to show your support just don your Lakers thong. And if you don’t have your own pair you better get one before they battle the Celtics for the NBA championship.

Courtney Love is claiming someone stole the ashes of her late husband Kurt Cobain, which were kept in a pink teddy-bear-shaped bag along with a lock of Kurt’s hair. The ashes were stolen from her home along with thousands of dollars worth of clothing and jewelry. now:
I can’t believe anyone would take Kurt’s ashes from me. I find it disgusting and right now I’m suicidal. If I don’t get them back I don’t know what I’ll do. They were all I had left of my husband. I used to take them everywhere with me just so I could feel Kurt was still with me. Now it feels like I have lost him all over again.
Realizing how distraught Courtney is after finding out about the missing ashes, I conducted my own investigation into this matter. I went all out to solve this horrific crime I even put on my Sherlock Holmes hat and went to penis enlargement pills work. First I went to eBay to conduct my technological search with the keywords, “Kurt Cobain ashes,” but came up with no result and concluded that Courtney sold the pink bear for some powder treats. Case close.
Tatum O’Neal, 44-year-old Oscar winning actress, was busted for buying two bags of cocaine from suspected drug dealer Alan Garcia. The bust took place, a 搬瓦工 few blocks away from her luxury apartment, on Clinton Street between East Broadway and Grand Street. She even tried to by saying she was just doing research.
“When the police approached, she asked them, ‘You know who I am, right?’ ” one source told The Post.
“Then she said, ‘I’m researching a part – I’m doing this for a part’ ” as a junkie.
The source said detectives found a pipe on O’Neal, daughter of actor Ryan O’Neal. The pipe and screen were clean.
“Then she said she’d been clean for two years, and that she’d just came out today,” the source said.
“Can’t we just forget about this?” the sources said she begged detectives.
Lying to the is not the best way of getting out of being arrested. What’s worst is trying to pull the, “you know who I am” card. Doesn’t she know only the likes of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton can pull that off.

We may not yet know if Angelina Jolie has given birth or not but we do know she’s on the cover of Vanity Fair’s July 2008 issue. Inside your find Jolie sharing “her innermost feelings about life, love, marriage, and her career.”

According to Britney Spears’ lawyer she’s still “not yet fit to participate in court proceedings.” Luckily for her etoro she’s got her dad Jamie Spears taking care of her finances. Spears lawyer Samuel Ingham spent 90 minutes telling Commissioner Reva Goetz’ just :
Samuel Ingham, Spears’ court-appointed attorney, and attorneys for the pop star’s father and conservator, James Spears, spent 90 minutes in Commissioner Reva Goetz’ chambers.
Ingham told the court afterward that Spears’ medical condition is “fluid” because her treatment is changing.
Spears’ probate case is scheduled to go to trial July 31, but Ingham said it could be “harmful” for her to participate. Goetz agreed and said Spears’ diagnosis is not complete.
Maybe this is for the better at least now Britney hasn’t flashed her snatch.

Steven Tyler is trying to claim that his recent stint in rehab was foot related and not the typical drug or alcohol problem. Looks like Steven must have heard that Kirsten Dunst also gave a bullshit reason for her rehab stay. He tells People:
The doctors told me the pain in my feet could be corrected but it would require a few surgeries over time. The ‘foot repair’ pain was intense, greater than I’d anticipated. The months of rehabilitative care and the painful strain of physical therapy were traumatic. I really needed a safe environment to recuperate where I could shut off my phone and get back on my feet. Make no mistake, Aerosmith has no plans to stop rocking. There’s a new album to record, then another tour.
Who goes to rehab for foot surgery? Be a man and tell us you got hooked on prescription pain medication after surgury. Now this lie sounds better than telling us your in rehab for foot pain.

Depending on which entertainment site you happen to have went first, you either know Angelina Jolie has given birth to twins or she’s still pregnant. thinks Jolie 嘉盛集团怎么样 has already emptied her uterus of the twins named Isla Marcheline and Amelie Jane. They even provided a quote from a source, “Babies are great and so is mom.”
But if you went to you would see the birth hasn’t happen yet, they even provided a more reliable qoute from Angelina’s rep, “Angelina has not given birth. She is fine, enjoying her home and her family in France.”
So, in conclusion, the twins are still occupying Brad Pitt’s fun house. When I say fun house I mean vagina.

about Kim Kardashian’s butt must have struck a nerve with her, because she posted a response on about her butt being real.
OMG! When will people get off my a–, literally! Haha. I have said it a million times before 外汇交易平台 and I’ll say it again: My booty is as real as the designer items I’m auctioning off on eBay.
The reason I bring this up is because those jokesters at the Superficial claimed that I wear foam panties. NOT TRUE! (And I don’t stuff ’em with Charmin either).
I think my photo shoots clearly prove I don’t wear butt pads!
To all you non-believers at the Superficial, kiss my REAL and GORGEOUS a–!
P.S. I told omg! on Yahoo! to break this story on their site. Check it out here!
Besides stating that her ass is as real as cottage cheese designer items, Kim also took the chance to advertise her upcoming eBay auction for her used items in her closet.
Filed under: Celebrities | Megan Fox