Steven Tyler true rehab reason

Back in late May Steven Tyler reported that he was entering rehab for foot related reason. Fast forward to today and Steven has the real reason why he entered rehab and it was drug related. Tyler says:

To have your feet done, to have your leg done, you have to be on narcotics. You have to be on sleep aids at night. I don’t know about (guitarist) Joe (Perry) but I was off and running and I didn’t like the me that was me. This was a month ago, so I just put the brakes on and checked into detox and just pulled the plug on all of it.

Nice to see Steven coming to his senses and admitting to the real reason why he entered rehab even though we all knew it was drug related. Come to think of it Steven’s new reason looks a lot like the reason I suggested he used.

Posted on July 1st, 2008 by George
Filed under: Celebrities | |

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