If you ever seen Dancing with the Stars on ABC then you probably know this chick. But if your like me with better things to do then sitting on your couch watching celebrities dancing the samba then all we need to know is this girl won the title twice with Drew Lachey and Emmitt Smith. Those facts IronFX aren’t important what’s important is she’s at the beach in a bikini. What’s also important is girls in bikini are hot unless it’s a fat girl in bikini then it would be gross unless that’s your cup of tea or should I say cup of lard.

Its been a long time since we seen Britney Spears in a bikini. And now we know why, she’s still working on her body. As you can see from ironfx铁汇怎么样 these bikini pictures she got a long way to go if she wants to get back her trim body from years ago. At least she’s not walking around naked.

Don’t you just love the summer it’s like everywhere you turn you see girls in bikinis. Even on the streets there are chick walking around in a bikini because they know they look so damn good it would be 捷凯金融 outrageous if they didn’t. But this isn’t your street walking bikini wearing perfect looking chick. No, this is your ungrateful celebrity, who think she is way too good to be included in the Emmy, Katherine Heigl.

How long has it been since you heard the name Marla Maples? It’s been too damn long so Marla called up the paparazzi to tell them she will be at the beach in a bikini. And the results are these pictures your looking at now. Marla still looks decent after all those years of doing nothing besides sitting on Donald Trump’s money.

Ashley Alexandra Dupre knows on a hot summer day the best way to cool off is to relax at the beach. If you can’t remember who Ashley is maybe the name Kristen would ring a bell. Still can’t recall, then maybe this will jog your memory, she’s the $4,000 an hour prostitute former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was screwing. Yea, I knew you would remember this girl because this hard to forget an expensive tuna.

Filed under: Celebrities | Bikini | Cheryl Burke