The effect of pregnancy is doing wonders for Ashlee Simpson’s breast size. This is one of the pluses of getting knocked up, you don’t need implants. Someone should have told Sarah Larson this secret, then George Clooney would not have dumped her ass for getting a boob job because no one wants to pay alimony.

Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz officially confirm what we have all know for awhile now, that Ashlee is pregnant. The newlywed confirm the news on .
While many have speculated about this, we wanted to wait until after the first trimester to officially confirm that we are BlueHost优惠码 expecting our first child. This is truly the most joyous time in our lives and we are excited to share the happy news and start our family.
– Pete and Ashlee Wentz
No that’s not a superhero with your mommy, future baby of Ashlee and Pete, that’s just your daddy with a paper plate covering his face. Yes it’s too late to go back into mommy Ashlee’s womb.

Pete Wentz was tired of paparazzi taking his pictures so he decided came up with an ingenious plan of covering his face with a paper plate. On this so call paper plate was two eye holes and a message that reads, “Your ad could be here. E-mail Jon@Douchebag.com.”
Besides being married to this funny rocker who walks around with a paper plate on his face. Ashlee Simpson has decided to take the last name of her funny rocker husband and take the chance of falling further into obscurity.
I think that that’s something that a woman should do when they’re marrying a man. It’s a tradition that I think is a great tradition.

So Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz had their fairy tale weekend wedding. Besides a picture of the bride and groom with their bull dog, you’ll also see a drunk Jessica Simpson backing her ass up and grinding into a very happy Tony Romo.
Filed under: Celebrities | Ashlee Simpson | Pregnancy